Best hydrogen water generator | Pure & Fully Dissolved
More than 3,000 academic studies have found that high purity hydrogen gas is able to neutralize free radicals and discharge them off of the human body.
1,299 ppb dissolved hydrogen: Certified by Japan Hydrogen Promotion Associate (JHPA)
-558 mV high redox potential: 200c.c. of hydrogen water is equivalent to100 fresh lemons in terms of its redox potential
Truly Sabilized: Instant and continuous water supply. Patented technology for true dissolution.

Ozone Water
Household Sanitation
Also known as activated-oxygen water. Ozone is the strongest oxidant in nature, which is mainly formed from lightning or UV. Ozone reduces to oxygen after reaction, which leaves no environmental burden. Ozone can be dissolved into water and used to sanitize surfaces destroying all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores.
Decompose pesticides in minutes: Used by internationally famous 5 star hotel chains.
The most powerful and natural disinfectant for household hygiene: Immediately sanitize and prolong produce freshness.
Great for personal hygeine: Cleaning for 5 seconds instantly kills 99.9% of pathogens.